List #
The va-list
component is used to display structured information.
Examples #
Basic usage #
Has no attributes by default. Build a structure by using components va-list-label
, va-list-separator
, va-list-item
and etc.

Disabled #
You can disable any user interaction by using 'disabled' prop.

Clickable #
Support a ability to use a list item as a link.
Fit #
Support a fitting of the list item by its content length.

Lines #
You can divide item label content on a custom count of lines.

API for va-list
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
fit | Stretches list by its content width |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
Slots #
Name | Description |
default | Contains list items |
Css Variables #
Name | Default Value |
--va-list-width | 100% |
--va-list-label-text-align | center |
--va-list-label-padding | 0.3rem 0 |
--va-list-item-display | flex |
--va-list-item-align-items | center |
--va-list-item-width | 100% |
--va-list-item-height | 100% |
--va-list-item-label-color | #34495e |
--va-list-item-label-display | -webkit-box |
--va-list-item-label-box-orient | vertical |
--va-list-item-label-overflow | hidden |
--va-list-item-label-line-height | normal |
--va-list-item-label-caption-font-size | 85% |
--va-list-item-label-caption-color | #babfc2 |
--va-list-item-section-display | flex |
--va-list-item-section-icon-min-width | 1.5rem |
--va-list-item-section-icon-align-items | center |
--va-list-item-section-icon-justify-content | center |
--va-list-item-section-icon-margin | 0.6rem 0.75rem |
--va-list-item-section-icon-font-size | 1.25rem |
--va-list-item-section-avatar-min-width | 3rem |
List Label API #
API for va-list-label
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
color | Color of the component (theme string or |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
Slots #
Name | Description |
default | Contains the label text |
List Separator API #
API for va-list-separator
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
fit | Adds space on the left side |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
spaced | Adds spaces over and under the separator |
List Item API #
API for va-list-item
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
activeClass | Applied when the link is active. More info here. |
| - |
append | When set, always appends the relative path to the current path. More info here. |
| - |
disabled | Applies |
exact | Exactly match the link. Without this, '/' will match every route. More info here. |
| - |
exactActiveClass | Applied when the link is active with exact match. More info here. |
| - |
href | Designates the component as anchor and applies the href attribute. More info here. |
| - |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
replace | When set, calls |
| - |
tag | Replaces html tag. This is useful for semantics and also to allow for valid markup in some cases ( |
target | Navigation target, More info here. |
| - |
to | The target route of the link. More info here. |
| - |
Events #
Name | Description |
click | Emitted when user clicked on item |
focus | Emitted when item is focused |
Slots #
Name | Description |
default | For a list item content |
List Item Label API #
API for va-list-item-label
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
caption | Applies another style to text |
lines | Divides item label content on a custom count of lines |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
Slots #
Name | Description |
default | Contains the label text |
List Item Section API #
API for va-list-item-section